[OSM-talk] [RFC] Deprecating the use of Tag:highway=stop in favour of Key:stop

John Smith deltafoxtrot256 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 07:18:00 BST 2009

2009/8/28 Norbert Hoffmann <nhoffmann at spamfence.net>:

> No, Roy wants to tag the semantics of the stop-sign. If this really
> simplifies the task of the data consumers, it's all the better.

It seems the problem Roy is trying to solve is to seperate lanes out,
of a dual direction way by use of a relation and pitting it against a
near by junction, where this isn't the problem the needs to be solved,
each lane may have individual restrictions of one sort or another, now
instead of having 1 hacked up solution we now have 2, to describe how
a stop sign effects one lane out of a pair.

The problem that needs to be solved is tagging individual lanes on a
way, regardless if the issue is a stop sign, different lanes have
different speed limits, different lanes having turn restrictions or
what ever the case may be, the problem is needing to tag individual

We should not be tagging stop signs and junctions with a relation that
doesn't solve the bigger issue. Stop signs stop you from entering a
junction and are before the junction and that's how they should be
tagged, however in this case traffic coming from the other direction
and in the other lane isn't effected by any stop sign.

If we could tag lanes instead of ways this would be a no brainer, just
another speed bump of sorts, and in fact some speed bumps only effect
one lane, and they can be in pairs but at different positions on a way
and I bet they aren't being tagged properly either.

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