[OSM-talk] New static-maps API - relations

OJ W ojwlists at googlemail.com
Tue Jul 7 22:56:58 BST 2009

You can now view relations using the Static Map API.

e.g. here is one of the underground lines in OSM: http://tinyurl.com/mjcd7o

The equivalent slippy-map view is at http://tinyurl.com/klkrkl and its
main page http://dev.openstreetmap.org/~ojw/relation/ will let you
enter a relation ID.

To get the relation ID for something, try copying from a potlatch edit
session, or look the wiki for some interesing examples.

Currently this website only shows 'route'-type relations, and only
shows ways (not nodes or hierachical relations)



p.s. I'm still trying to figure-out transparency in GD.  Anyone know
how to put a semitransparent line on a transparent background, and
save the result as PNG?

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