[OSM-talk] Builk upload OSM files greater than 2megs with JOSM

Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 19:17:33 GMT 2009

Some of my sample files are greater than 2 megs, and so i have a hard
time trying to load the file onto JOSM.?

My approach for uploading all that data once i get it into JOSM is simple.

I would select the 1/2 of it, then 1/2 again and delete.  Thus, left
with only 1/4 of the data for the upload process.   Once it all get
uploaded.. i would open the file again (make the other one invisable),
and only select another 1/4 of the data, then upload again.   It wont
matter if the areas overlapped, as the system recognizes that the data
already exists. ... it's the same method as if your doing alot of
editing... and you dont want to get a timeout error, so you only
upload a part of your edits at a time.

Does anyone know if there is a different way to preview these large
.osm files before uploading?


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