[OSM-talk] shp-to-osm 0.7

Pieren pieren3 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 5 08:46:56 GMT 2009

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 10:02 PM, Ian Dees <ian.dees at gmail.com> wrote:
> I cut a new version (0.7.1) that fixed a few bugs I introduced when adding
> features and reverted to putting tags on the relation.
> Pick it up in the same spot.

Apart from this tool, I don't like the idea of always putting the tags
in the relation. If you only have tags on the outer ring, why not. But
we also have very often tags on the inner ring. And I don't see why we
should have sometimes the tags in the ways and sometimes in the
relations just because they use a special relation type. I could also
say that the tags in the inner ring have the same right to be in the
relation as the outer ring.

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