[OSM-talk] What Streets are in what Places

Brian Quinion openstreetmap at brian.quinion.co.uk
Sat Nov 14 22:53:49 GMT 2009

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Peter Childs <pchilds at bcs.org> wrote:
> Looking at this the new Nominatim service seams to do 85% of what I
> need, and might do more at a pinch. (Only found the service when I
> logged into IRC tonight....)

My hope is that in the fullness of time Nominatim can be extended to
provide some sort of directory or supplementary address information
export for osm.  but at the moment I'm concentrating on the search
functionality.  If anyone else would like to join it to work on this
aspect it would always be appreciated - I'm busy documenting what I've
done at the moment, although there is a long way still to go.

One thing to say is that the address generation is fairly simplistic.
The addresses are mostly at the moment intended to provide context to
the search results and I'm fully aware that in a lot of cases they are
incorrect.  Some of the techniques discusses in the thread above are
far more advanced!  You can read a quick summary of how it currently
works here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim/Development_overview


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