[OSM-talk] Potlatch 1.3

John Smith deltafoxtrot256 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 06:41:58 GMT 2009

2009/11/24 Anthony <osm at inbox.org>:
> Nevermind.  That's about half an inch, and it doesn't seem to be less
> than a pixel (at my latitude/longitude, anyway).  For some reason last
> time i calculated it I thought it was more.

You should use metric it's easier since metric distances were based on
a rough approximation of the circumference of the earth ;)

1 degree of latitude and at the equator, 1 degree of longitude ~=
100km, so every decimal place from there is an order of magnitude

0.1 ~= 10km
0.01 ~= 1km
0.001 ~= 100m
0.0001 ~= 10m
0.00001 ~= 1m
0.000001 ~= 10cm
0.0000001 ~= 1cm

An inch was standardised based on metric :)

1 inch = 2.54cm exactly

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