[OSM-talk] [Fwd: Re: source=(survey, yahoo, gps...)]

Tobias Knerr osm at tobias-knerr.de
Tue Sep 8 13:46:29 BST 2009

David Earl wrote:
> On 08/09/2009 13:16, Tobias Knerr wrote:
>> Liz wrote:
>>> It's actually quite easy in JOSM
>>> you mass select them and add the tag
>> If mass selecting is possible, the changeset would have been the better
>> place, imo. Tags on individual objects do only make sense if you need to
>> add different source information for each object (or maybe even each
>> tag). And that's as much work in JOSM as everywhere else.
> It does differ: while most of a survey will be survey, I am also
> estimating and interpolating and using landsat and joining things up
> with npe. It's not a property of the changeset.

So how do you mass-select exactly those objects you created based on a
given source (mass-selection was the topic of the mail I replied to)?

Regardless of mass-selection, "I used npe, landsat and survey" is a
valid property of the changeset. It may be possible to give more
detailed information, of course. But most mappers don't add source tags,
and a changeset source would provide at least some information. You can
continue to add source tags to individual objects if you think it's
worth the effort - it's your decision, as with all tags in OSM.

Tobias Knerr

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