[OSM-talk] How to map cemetery ?

David Earl david at frankieandshadow.com
Wed Sep 9 22:00:09 BST 2009

On 09/09/2009 21:43, Valent Turkovic wrote:
> Is grave_yard tag used? I don't see it in JOSM. Why is the wiki so
> confusing for this simple thing to map.

I think the original distinction was that a graveyard is the burial 
ground around a church, while a cemetery is a separate pice of land set 
aside for burials, not necessarily associated with a church, or a 
denomination - in the UK, many of these are operated by local 
authorities not religious institutions, while the graveyard around a 
church is exclusive to the church.

Having said that, I kind of agree with you, that the distinction is 
subtle and probably adds little.


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