[OSM-talk] NaPTAN bus stop import

Mike Harris mikh43 at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 21 10:51:29 BST 2009


Thanks a lot - that is all very clear and helpful and makes perfect sense. I will follow your example.

I already tend to average ways where necessary in similar manner to your description and, as I almost always am doing walking surveys, any bus stops that I have manually added have indeed been done stationary at the stop.

Kind regards and thanks for the good information

Mike Harris

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ed Loach [mailto:ed at loach.me.uk] 
> Sent: 21 September 2009 10:30
> To: 'Mike Harris'; talk at openstreetmap.org
> Subject: RE: [OSM-talk] NaPTAN bus stop import
> Mike asked a few questions about the NaPTAN import. 
> There is information on the wiki here:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/NaPTAN/Surveying_and_Mergin
> g_NaPTAN_and_OSM_data
> about surveying
> (Short: http://is.gd/3w8tv )
> I've just been updating some stops that I surveyed on the way 
> to Tesco this morning, and a few I verified when out and 
> about yesterday.
> I'll try and summarise answers to your questions, based on my 
> limited understanding.
> The relation is where two stops are known by NaPTAN as a stop 
> area, and is a relation containing related stops. Usually 
> these are pairs of stops on opposite sides of the road I 
> believe, though bus stations (for example) may contain more.
> As you pointed out sometimes the stops are only one side of 
> the road, and the stop the opposite side is known as a 
> "customary stop", naptan:BusStopType="CUS". As per the link 
> above, those CUS stops I've encountered where I've seen a bus 
> stop (or where the opposite stop is labelled "buses stop here 
> and opposite") I've been tagging physically_present=no, 
> highway=bus_stop.
> Where I'd already added bus stops before the import I've been 
> moving tags to the NaPTAN one (such as shelter=yes, 
> layby=yes, route_ref=<whatever>), then deleting my node, and 
> positioning the NaPTAN node based on the original survey, the 
> verification survey and the NaPTAN location, averaging the three.
> Your last point, where bus stops import to the wrong side of 
> ways I've been checking all the public traces available in 
> JOSM and repositioning the OSM way to the average of those. 
> If the bus stop is still the wrong side, I nudge it across 
> presuming sufficient inaccuracy in the NaPTAN data to be the 
> width of a road out.
> All my verification surveys of bus stops though are done 
> standing still under the bus stop flag (where present, or 
> where there is both a flag and an electronic sign, somewhere 
> between them).
> There is more information about NaPTAN on the wiki, and 
> discussions on the talk-transit list. I believe that the 
> import would happen was announced on this list (or maybe 
> talk-gb) some time ago before talk-transit was started to 
> discuss how it was to be done.
> Ed

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