[OSM-talk] address interpolation

marcus.wolschon at googlemail.com marcus.wolschon at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 30 10:35:42 BST 2009

On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 18:51:35 +1000, James Livingston <doctau at mac.com>
> On 28/09/2009, at 2:22 PM, Marcus Wolschon wrote:
>> 25A-25C should work with addr:interpolation=alphabetic .
>> However not all software that supports interpolation at all,
>> supports this interpolation-mode yet.
>> 25-25A would not.
> I'm not sure you how you can interpolate things like this correctly if  
> you're just using a single interpolation way. For example I've seen  
> both 23-25-25a-27 and 23-25a-25-27, with the 'a' house being whichever  
> one was built second or isn't the primary residence.

Basically...you can't.

> Whenever I've encountered something like this, I've just broken the  
> way up, so that there is one for ...-23, two plain nodes to 25 and  
> 25a, and another way for 27-.

Thats okay.

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