[OSM-talk] quality insurance tool osmose

Etienne Chové chove at crans.org
Wed Jun 2 14:04:49 BST 2010


Osmose [1], a french quality insurance tool has now some analysers 
analysing data out of France.

* One of the analyser [2] is raising errors on relations 
boundary=adminitrative wich :
   - are not closed
   - have some end nodes more than two times (ie that some way is
     included more tha 2 times).

This backend is runned once a day.

It also analyses recursive relations (relations including other 
relations such as relation 11980).

* Another backend [3] is analysing self-intersecting polygons. It only 
raises errors on Europe and is runned twice a week (because of postgis 
import duration).

This quality insurance tool is multi backend, so people wanting to 
analyse data may report them on the main map. Update procedure is 
(lighly) described on the wiki [4].

Sources of my backends analysing data on france are available on [5].

[1] http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/map/cgi-bin/index.py
[2] http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/map/cgi-bin/index.py?source=3
[3] http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/map/cgi-bin/index.py?source=28
[4] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmose
[5] http://osm1.crans.org/src/osmose/


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