[OSM-talk] We Need to Stop Google's Exploitation of Open Communities

Florian Lohoff f at zz.de
Mon Apr 11 20:05:00 BST 2011

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 10:41:42AM -0500, Ian Dees wrote:
> When Google turns Google MapMaker on in the US and Europe*, it will become
> much harder to recruit new mappers to our community (that is already quite
> small). Being passive about this issue means that OSM and its more-open data
> will eventually be drowned out by Google's much greater marketing might.
> -Ian
> * At Google's MapMaker User's summit last week someone said that this would
> happen (at least in the US) "soon".

Its all about freedom - and teaching the people about it.

The stricter our new license is, the less difference people will be able
to see when telling them.

This is why i am proposing BSD all the time - its the biggest difference
one can get from anything all others do. No restrictions - period.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f at zz.de
„Für eine ausgewogene Energiepolitik über das Jahr 2020 hinaus ist die
Nutzung von Atomenergie eine Brückentechnologie und unverzichtbar. Ein
Ausstieg in zehn Jahren, wie noch unter der rot-grünen Regierung
beschlossen, kommt für die nationale Energieversorgung zu abrupt.“
Angela Merkel CDU 30.8.2009
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