[OSM-talk] highway=cycleway or highway=path

colliar colliar4ever at aol.com
Fri Jun 24 12:07:19 BST 2011

Hash: SHA256

Am 23.06.2011 00:27, schrieb Simon Poole:
> Am 23.06.2011 00:04, schrieb Nathan Edgars II:
>> SimonPoole wrote:
>>> In some countries (ie Germany, Switzerland) bicycle=designated has the
>>> implication that the way has to be used by bicycles (in Germany it's
>>> "slightly" more complicated), I assume that's not the case in the states.
>> Depends on the state (and sometimes the city):
>> http://bicycledriving.org/law/guide-to-improving-laws#sidepath
>> I can't see any way to tag a mandatory sidepath correctly with access tags,
>> since one is presumably allowed to use the roadway to make a turn that can't
>> be made from the sidepath (so bicycle=destination is incorrect).
> In general in German speaking Europe, the requirement to use what ever is
> signposted as a mandatory cycleway goes only as far as it is actually going in
> your direction. So you are always allowed to use a junction or similar to leave
> the cycleway and go wherever necessary if the cycleway can't get you there. It
> is difficult to compare the European situation to the states, since road layout
> and use tends to be very very different, and mandatory sidepath usage is more
> similar to having to ride on the side of the road than mandatory cycleway usage
> (which are very often completely separate ways).
> Just a further remark: instead of "designated", "official" is in use in Germany
> to indicate mandatory use cycleways that are really really mandatory (as I said,
> Germany is "slightly" more complicated).


I stopped using foot/cycleway and only use path/track with access tags.

In Germany, I found several occasions where the administration was not sure
about it and from on direction a motor_vehicle=no  and from the other
foot/bicycle=official is signed.

cu colliar
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