[OSM-talk] Submitting POI to OSM made easy

Josh Doe josh at joshdoe.com
Wed Jul 11 11:30:08 BST 2012

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 11:48 AM, moenk <moenkemt at geo.hu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'd like to introduce a tiny tool. It's purpose is to submit POI to the OSM
> database. The focus is not to replace things like Potlatch or JOSM, it was
> developed for Geocachers for easy POI submitting. But I'm sure you'll know
> some people who might have use for this simple mapping tool.

This looks great, thanks for doing this. However, I'd say the hardest
part of using the tool will be finding it! Make sure to update the
wiki, and put it in a prominent place (within one or two clicks from
the homepage). Perhaps change the beginners guide to include a list of
easy tools like this one, that is tools which don't require knowledge
of nodes/ways/relations, tags, or other such terminology.

For the selection page, it would be great to add search as you type,
as well as a brief description of each pulled from the wiki, synonyms
(also searchable) and a link to the wiki. These links will perhaps get
some users to dive a little deeper into OSM. It's also worth
considering using a common set of "nice" names as other
sites/projects, or at least add synonyms (as an American user I'd
never have known to look for "Off license" when I want to add a liquor
store if I hadn't seen this pull request:


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