[OSM-talk] Dirt Roads in Mapnik, default render in OSM

Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdreist at gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 12:41:20 UTC 2013

2013/8/26 Pieren <pieren3 at gmail.com>

> A highway=track + tracktype=grade1 can be
> safely used by normal cars.

technically yes, legally it depends

> Perhaps in Germany, all tracks have limited access.

no, it depends on the area. In some regions it is true (AFAIK only in
Baden-Württemberg = BaWü)

> But they all have
> traffic signs indicating the restriction(s).

no, apparently in BaWü there is a general restriction which doesn't have to
be signposted.

But I think this direction of discussion misses the point. The point was
how to classify certain types of roads (unpaved connection and residential
roads). tracks are a type of road set up for agricultural (i.e. local
traffic of who works in the fields or forests or goes fishing) traffic. If
there are other reasons for a road to be (i.e. connection for "ordinary"
traffic, access to a plant or other technical installation) the highway
class should be chosen differently. A residential road can well be unpaved
in some parts of Germany as well, but that doesn't make it a track. In
remote zones in Italy there are provincial roads (i.e. roads of the network
maintained by the provinces) that aren't paved and are so narrow that 2
cars only at some spots can pass, but that doesn't make them a track.

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