[OSM-talk] Not add extra attributes when import .pbf file to database

Ruben Lopez Mendoza ruben at developmentseed.org
Thu Feb 7 13:31:45 UTC 2013

I'm using osm2pgsql

I'm importing a file called maryland.osm.pbf with extra atributes
(--extra-attributes ) but

   - osm_uid
   - osm_user fields
   - osm_version

   osm_timestamp are empty.i don't know why?

   osm2pgsql --extra-attributes -v  -S default.style -d db_maryland

while, if I import a file maryland.osm.bz2. is normal.Extra attributes

osm2pgsql --extra-attributes -v  -S default.style -d db_maryland

I need to import. PBF files. please help me.

in my file default.style is enabled the fields for extra atributes.
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