[OSM-talk] Administrative boundaries export

Simone Cortesi simone at cortesi.com
Wed Oct 2 17:58:46 UTC 2013

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 6:23 PM, César Martínez Izquierdo
<cesar.izq at gmail.com> wrote:
> I plan to create and make easily available a world-wide administrative layer
> based on OSM data, ideally including existing administrative codes (ISO,
> NUTS in Europe, etc) for each level and producing regular updates (for
> instance once a year).

thanks for jumping on this. I think this is a much needed export.

some thoughts:
1. admin data is stored with relations, which is not that easy to
maintain. you WILL always find broken borders.
2. having a web app to visualize that, and allow people to fix them is
something needed. similar to what we already have for the coastline.
3. once a year might be too much time between releases, think about a
once a year "stable" release, where all borders compile correctly.
4. show stats on broken, fixed borders.
5. provide them as a download in shapefile, poly format, geojson, and kml.


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