[OSM-talk] Wiki - contact: Tag & Map Features

Andreas Goss andig88 at t-online.de
Thu Dec 18 21:27:50 UTC 2014

> This is the ad populum fallacy. Any attempt to improve a tagging scheme
> will always start out being numerically weaker regardless of the merit
> of the proposal. To further confuse things there are people like myself
> who will sometimes tag *both* schemes because although we see the need
> for change we understand that there is a lot invested in the existing
> scheme.

But then they should make a proposal, discuss it and have a vote. 
Especially if a tag is that important for them. But somehow just trying 
to push it will get you nowhere.

I mean it maybe works with tags that aren't used that often or when a 
new key was introduced like emergency=* which might fit better than amenity.

> I'm not saying that established convention is not important, just that
> raw numbers shouldn't be the be-all and end-all when it comes to
> tagging.

But raw numbers are still a main factor. We just need some rules when it 
comes to the wiki. We can't have anybody putting his tagging ideas there.

> What about creating a single wiki page that describes both schemes and
> provides a brief description of the pros and cons of each one? Once
> this is done other wiki pages can link to it and mappers can decide for
> themselves which is the most appropriate.

Well, it's kinda what contact does. 

Problem is also that the tags are often put on other pages as 
usefull/suggested combination and you don't want to have everything 2x 


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