[OSM-talk] Visually detect missing roads

Stephan Knauss osm at stephans-server.de
Wed Sep 10 21:42:36 UTC 2014

On 09.09.2014 09:22, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
> It would be useful to allow switching between diff, OSM only and google
> only. Currently in my area results are too confusing to be useful.

compare.osm-tools.org does focus on highlighting the "missing" roads and 
water features. If your area is still too confusing on the high zoom 
level then just starting to map the major highways as visible on aerial 
imageries is a good way to make the comparison map less dense.

For directly comparing the full map rendering better use a map with a 
slider design like this: http://comparemaps.drona.ro/

My idea was to be able to give you a quick overview of missing roads. 
Check out Thailand and compare to Vietnam to get the idea.
I actively decided against a "slider" layout.


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