[OSM-talk] Can wikidata links help fight name inflation?

Simon Poole simon at poole.ch
Sun Jun 7 11:43:25 UTC 2015

Two remarks on the the discussion:

- the standard point: adding translations of names to OSM is (naturally)
nonsense, adding names commonly in use in a language for places isn't. I
somehow suspect that Frederiks suggestion is actually an attempt to
offload the dealing with the nonsense aspect to wikidata.

- while superficially the licence of wikidata is claimed to be CC0, the
WMF does not actually warrant (warrant as in they would cover any costs
and damages if there was trouble) that this is the case. Which is
naturally a concern for OSM for content derived from third party sources
(typically google). Matter of fact it is a bit of a circular argument
because the licensing of CC0 is based on the WMF legal marketing
statement that they believe facts are not copyrightable. However we know
this is not necessarily correct (using copyright in a loose sense for
any similar rights) for collections of facts. tl;dr version: linking to
wikidata is probably ok, including wikidata could be a minefield.


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