[OSM-talk] Data Quality and Mapping for the renderer.

Andy Townsend ajt1047 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 11:58:27 UTC 2016

On 22/08/2016 12:40, john whelan wrote:
> Now the idea of something that picks up a POI such as a shop for 
> review every x months is interesting and its not impossible to build a 
> suitable tool.  I wonder who I can chat to.

There was a web-based thing that did exactly that (can't remember where, 
and it went away when I last looked).

You could probably do something with 
https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/Notes01 and 
https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/osmimport_02 though.  The former of 
those can extract data from Overpass around a point (currently for 
fixmes, but you could change that to look for other tags) and the latter 
allows you to update a list of "places you need to go and survey" - 
you'd need to change it to work with a list of POIs etc. from overpass 
and update your local list (what osmimport_02 calls its "base_data" 
file) with that.

Although it's something I've thought about looking at, it's not on my 
list to do any time soon though.



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