[OSM-talk] SearchAroundBot: a Telegram Bot for OSM

Michael Reichert nakaner at gmx.net
Wed Aug 24 21:41:16 UTC 2016

Hi Frederik,

Am 24.08.2016 um 23:16 schrieb Frederik Ramm:
> On 08/24/2016 03:18 PM, Nicolás Alvarez wrote:
>>> Please ensure that everyone who contributes data to OSM with this bot
>>> actually has got an OSM account (and hence has agreed to the OSM
>>> contributor terms), and that the data is contributed using that OSM
>>> account (not a generic account that you have created), and that they can
>>> be reached by OSM user-to-user messaging if necessary.
>> Aren't there several cases where this isn't followed, like Wheelmap?
> Wheelmap is the only case I know of. If you know of more, please tell.

Kort and Beermap. Kort has a difficult review mechanism and therefore
has few contributions to OSM. Beermap edits name, beer types and wifi

> The wheelmap case has been much discussed and their "wheelmap visitor"
> edits are tolerated because they never add new objects, and only
> add/modify one single tag between one of three settings. 

wheelmap_visitor nowadays also adds/edits toilets:wheelchair=*.

Best regards


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