[OSM-talk] [BOT] [RFC]: water surfaces

Frank Villaro-Dixon frank at villaro-dixon.eu
Tue Mar 22 14:12:42 UTC 2016

On 16-03-22 14:53:42, Christoph Hormann, wrote 1.9K characters saying:
>On Tuesday 22 March 2016, Frank Villaro-Dixon wrote:
>> # Why ?
>> Well, OSM has a quite exhaustive lakes/water surfaces database, but
>> it's a complete pain to work on because:
>> 	* Some non closed ways have a natural=water or a water=* tag,
>> 	which makes no sense and is forbidden.
>> 	* Attributes (natural, water, name, intermittent) are in the
>> 	relation and in the way itself, which is anti normal form (and not
>> logical).
>> # First goal:
>> First goal is quite simple. The idea is to work only on relations
>> which have a natural=water .  Then, it will:
>> 	* Delete natural=water from all the ways if they are NOT closed or
>> 	ring 0.
>> 	* delete the corresponding water=x IF the relation has the same
>> 	tag
>Mappers frequently map things in ambiguous ways or change existing
>mapping in ways that make it ambiguous and it is hard to decide from
>the data alone how to interpret such mapping.  A bot will not be any
>better in doing that than a human mapper and you would destroy any
>chance of actually determining the original intent of the mapper with
>such edits.
Can you give me an example ?

This algorithm won't loose any information. It's merely deleting 
duplicates, so where is the problem ?

frank.villaro-dixon.eu       - PGP: 6F36914A
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