[OSM-talk] [http://zikes.website/] New OSM based (bicycle) journey planner

Remek Zajac remekz at go2.pl
Fri Nov 4 14:21:46 UTC 2016

Dear All.,

The kind people in the OSM forum advised that i re-post this
<https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=56252> here. I hope it's
not seen as a spam.

I am a keen (long distance) cyclist and frustrated by the lack of planning
tools, bit by bit, I landed with my own that I would like to share with the
community: http://zikes.website/ - should it of course capture the
community's imagination. It's a working beta with a couple of loose ends,
but I use it and my friends use it and friends of said friends use it and
time has come that I seek wider exposure. It's free I might add.

The rationale (use case) is presented here

Of course I am interested in any form of feedback, collaboration, testers
willing to take it for their first spin... and ultimately perhaps in
landing the service on this list

with regards

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