[OSM-talk] Paper/Article about stagnation in OSM

Barry Hunter barry at barryhunter.co.uk
Fri Aug 3 09:32:34 UTC 2018

On 1 August 2018 at 08:37, oleksiy.muzalyev wrote:

> At the same time it is possible to create 208 billion of 8-letter unique
> quasi-words with 26 letters of English alphabet (26 in the power of 8 =
> 208827064576). Even more if numbers are included. It's enough for all
> dwellings on Earth. It is easy to transmit a 8 letter word via telephone
> with ICAO Phonetic Alphabet [1].
> Then when we call in browser something like: osm.org/?address=hj3u878s or
> type the unique quasi-word into a search of of the OSM map: the distinctive
> geo-marker appears at the respective location with the additional
> information, such as entrance door code, apartment level, etc.

This sounds remarkably like geohash. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geohash

Algorithm is public domain, and not commercial .

and https://xkcd.com/927/
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