[OSM-talk] Is there some existing detailed tutorial directed at complete newbies? Describing how to add various features?

Mateusz Konieczny matkoniecz at tutanota.com
Sat Feb 22 08:23:35 UTC 2020

22 Feb 2020, 08:09 by rory at technomancy.org:

> Isn't this the job of the editing software (incl it's presets)? If there's a search box and the user can type in (eg) "path" and draw the path, then that's how you teach newbies? 
Yes, but complete newbie needs to
be taught this steps.

It is not obvious.

And for mobile editing one needs 
instructions for Vespucci that is a bit
less obvious.
> Has this user tried to use iD (the best new user friendly editor today) to do this? Does that do the job? If not, I'm sure everyone, incl id devs, would like to know. 🙂 
No, he was unaware that it can be done this way and that it is relatively simple.
(I hope that it is relatively simple)
> On 22 February 2020 05:37:13 CET, Mateusz Konieczny via talk <talk at openstreetmap.org> wrote:
>> Is there some automatically generated website 
>> describing in excruciating detail how to map various features?
>> Something directed to a potential mappers, 
>> explicitly describing every single smallest step,
>> for every single mappable feature.
>> I ask as I had again a friend asking me 
>> "how to add aconstruction area/path/... to OSM".
>> And it seems to me that automatically generated 
>> set of such tutorials is both feasible and potentially useful.
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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