[OSM-talk] [Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

Florimond Berthoux florimond.berthoux at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 11:29:18 UTC 2020

Sorry I missed to send this message to the list :


As a cartographer I tag the reality of the world, I’m not here to push one
culture, one language, one nation, one ideology over others.

As a OSM data consumer I'd like to have good data quality.
To have good data quality,  tags and values wiki definitions should be
As a OSM data consumer I don’t want others to decide which fall back data I
should use.

So, if there are too many "local" names to feat into the name tag, well it
should not be filled.
There is no obligation to fill the name tag, name:xx is there for that.

Le mar. 25 févr. 2020 à 21:54, stevea <steveaOSM at softworkers.com> a écrit :

> I believe I speak for many, most, or even all of us here (except Tomek)
> that "this is a settled matter."
> SteveA
> > On Feb 25, 2020, at 12:44 PM, Tomek <tomek at disroot.org> wrote:
> >
> > W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:57, Maarten Deen pisze:
> >> You are forcing (or are trying to) me and a lot of others to learn
> Esperanto. That's just the same. More people speak English than Esperanto.
> Then what is the more logical choice?
> > Esperanto estas pli logika por internacia komunikado pro ĝia neŭtreco
> kaj simpleco.
> > Esperanto estas pli logika por internacia komunikado pro ĝia neŭtreco
> kaj simpleco.
> >
> > W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:57, Maarten Deen pisze:
> >> If you don't want to read english and you have no problem putting every
> mail into a translator, than why not do that?
> >> Just don't get mad if other people do not want to do that. You can't
> force other people to use a translator just because you choose not to write
> in English.
> > Tiu ĉi rilato estu simetria: mi ne devigos al aliaj uzi Esperanton aŭ la
> polan, aliaj ne devigos al mi uzi la anglan.
> > This relationship should be symmetrical: I will not force others to use
> Esperanto or Polish, others will not force me to use English.
> >
> > W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:46, Yves pisze:
> >> This discussion is hopeless, and 90% off topic.
> >> The only outcome of discussing languages here is that the status quo of
> using an English name for oceans remains. Given the amount of words spent
> off of this matter, this status quo is slowly reaching consensus, keep on!
> > Mi akordas kun vi, ke la diskuto iĝas en malĝusta direkto, anstataŭ pri
> nomoj de internaciaj objektoj, ni diskutas pri lingvo de la diskuto.
> Pardonu, kial nomoj de oceanoj estu en la angla, sed ne en la pola?
> > I agree with you that the discussion is going in the wrong direction,
> instead of the names of international objects, we are discussing the
> language of the discussion. Sorry, why should ocean names be in English but
> not in Polish?
> >
> > W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:46, Mario Frasca pisze:
> >> automated translations?  they go through English, mostly, and they fail
> terribly when doing two passes.  some languages are still beyond the reach
> of most translation algorithms.  I would NOT rely on them.
> > Mi eblas komunikadi kun vi uzante tradukilojn Google kaj Yandex.
> > I can communicate with you using Google and Yandex translators.
> >
> > W dniu 20-02-25 o 19:59, Mateusz Konieczny pisze:
> >> Are you serious?
> >>
> >> "almost no one" is a weird claim,
> >> given that over 2 000 000 000 people
> >> managed.
> >>
> >> Over 600 000 000 did this as a
> >> foreign language.
> >>
> >> (And it is not like pronunciation is
> >> used on text-only mailing list!)
> > Infanoj pasigas kelkajn jarojn por lerni (kun mizera sukceso) la anglan,
> tiun tempon ili povus pasigi por lerni Esperanton kaj aliajn profitdonajn
> povsciadojn. Mi lernis ĝin por naŭ jaroj, povas lerni anglan Vikipedion,
> teĥnikajn artikolojn, sed ne povas paroli kaj aŭskulti filmojn en ĝi. Post
> lerni Esperanton en unu jaro mi sentas min pli lerta en ĝi ol en la angla.
> > Children spend a few years learning English (with disastrous success),
> this time they could spend learning Esperanto and other profitable
> knowledge. I have been learning it for nine years, can learn English
> Wikipedia, technical articles, but cannot speak and listen to movies in it.
> After learning Esperanto in one year, I feel more fluent in it than in
> English.
> >
> > W dniu 20-02-25 o 20:22, stevea pisze:
> >> I suggest we begin to diminish the importance of this thread being
> hijacked by Tomek's topic by not responding to him (with our reasonable
> disagreements), as we have repeated our points so many times that seems to
> be the only thing left for us to do.  Perhaps that is the only reason Tomek
> persists:  simply to argue.  Enough already.  Without any oxygen in the
> room, the flame can no longer burn.  Perhaps we simply utter a brief phrase
> like "it's a settled matter" if the topic of Esperanto vs. English returns
> here.
> > MI NE VOLAS KVERELI, mi nur volas interkonseton! Mi volas montri al vi
> ke angla ne estas la plej bona lingvo por komunikado, estas maljusta.
> > I DON'T WANT TO COME, I just want a deal! I want to show you that
> English is not the best language for communication, it is unfair.
> > <tomek.vcf>_______________________________________________
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Florimond Berthoux
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