[OSM-talk] The benefits of cross-linking OSM and Wikidata

Harald Schwarz harald.malte.schwarz at gmx.de
Wed Mar 4 18:40:31 UTC 2020


since I am interested in streetnames and the historical background of the names of streets
I did myself an investigation on gender in streetnames of Düsseldorf, capital of Northrhine-Westfalia.

This is what I found out:

Some statistics on Düsseldorf Streetnames (german - english):
Statistik der Düsseldorfer Straßennamen

2916 = Anzahl aller Straßennamen - number of all streets
221 = noch nicht zugeordnet - unknown status, perhaps person
720 = nach Personen benannt - named after person
680 = nach männlichen Personen benannt - named after male person
94.444444 = Prozent männliche Bennennung - percentage of male names
42 = nach weiblichen Personen benannt - named afer female person
5.833333 = Prozent weibliche Bennennung - percentage of female names
68 = nach anonymen männlichen Personen benannt - anonymous male names, for example firstnames only
43 = nach anonymen weiblichen Personen benannt - annonymous femal names
13 = nach fiktiven männlichen Personen benannt - fictional male names
8 = nach fiktiven weiblichen Personen benannt - fictional femal names

As OSM lacks the concept of "STREET" I didn't know where to store my information in OpenStreetMap.
Streets in OSM are puzzeled into many piece, depending on surface, speedlimits or light conditions.
Even the associatedStreet-Relations in Germany were removed some months ago.

Actually I think that it should be enough to put information about the naming background to just one
single part of the street in OSM. Applications can then use this info for the whole street.

My way to generate a map showing the gender of the name givers in Düsseldorf streets was to use
overpass-turbo and hardcoding the names and gender in the CSS-Style.

I tried to add my overpass-turbo-query to this mail. Hope this is accepted. 
[NO, this failed. Mail To big and hold back If interresed, contact me directly.)

I think it is much better to store the information in OSM, wikidata and wikipedia, so that everybody can use this

So in future I will try to put infos about the naming background of Düsseldorf streets to OSM, WikiData and Wikipedia.

Greetings from Ratingen
Harald Schwarz

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