[OSM-talk] #AttributionIsNotOptional experiment on OSM France tile servers

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Sun Mar 8 16:14:31 UTC 2020

Mario Frasca <mario at anche.no> writes:

> I would say that 1 in 25 is low enough as not to be considered
> "defacing" a web site.  what text have you used, concretely, which had
> the impact you describe?  in my opinion the shortest, the better, and
> I guess you did NOT use »It looks like this site forgot to put the
> required attribution in this map corner, so we added it for them. Thx
> for using OpenStreetMap !«, did you?  it was in French, wasn't it?

Also, I have seen on many sites google maps with an "API Key Required"
watermark.  This really seems like a similar situation.

So perhaps Christian could put a fairly loud attribution watermark over
the tiles, so it's basically functional but attributed.

Overall, I think this is a great experiment, and the combination of
failure to attribute and use of donated tile services is particularly
worthy of addressing.

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