[Design] Sample Persona

Michal Migurski mike at stamen.com
Fri Sep 16 19:24:27 BST 2011

This is my attempt to write something reflecting the completely new user.

	Ori is a Metafilter reader who's just heard of the OpenStreetMap project for the first time via http://www.metafilter.com/47151/Open-Street-Map. There are some snarky comments in the thread about how OSM will never work, but Ori thinks it sounds like a neat idea. He's an academic in the humanities with a bit of a nerd streak, so he doesn't know how to program a computer but he knows how to use one. He's vaguely aware that he's the direct beneficiary of a lot of open source software on his Mac, and has a warm fuzzy feeling when he thinks about how communities of enthusiasts can get together to build large projects together. It reminds him of his own literature research, and he knows how contentious collaborations between smart, opinionated people can get but he's comfortable with giving it a try. He lives in Toronto and doesn't own a GPS, so he's curious whether the map of his own town needs completely new data or just some fixes to data that already exists. He owns a car, so he's got about a 50-mile radius he's willing to map in along with clear memories of his own small home town, but he needs to figure out how to get started. So, Ori follows the link to http://openstreetmap.org and tries to figure out what he could usefully contribute for Toronto.


michal migurski- mike at stamen.com

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