[OSM-dev] rendering: mad ideas

Richard Fairhurst richard at systemeD.net
Tue Mar 21 19:29:41 GMT 2006

On 21 Mar 2006, at 19:19, nick at hogweed.org wrote:

> Sounds interesting but what is perhaps just as important to address is 
> the
> concept of OSM as a data provider. How would all this relate to 
> clients of
> the OSM data, for example other websites, such as Freemap, that wish 
> to make
> use the raw XML data for their own stylised mapping?

I'd already envisaged that, if geowiki v2 were to make use of OSM data, 
it would be done on a cached basis (ideally by pulling down a diff set 
every morning) rather than using live API queries. This makes it so 
much easier to optimise the data for speed, and to reconcile the 
differences between OSM's data model and however geowiki might like to 
draw the maps.


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