[OSM-dev] Yahoo! imagery in josm

Chris Fleming me at chrisfleming.org
Sat Jan 13 15:40:46 GMT 2007

Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Hi Mikel & all,
>> That kind of ntegration in JOSM, through the Yahoo API, sounds fine.
>> And yes, it's only the aerial imagery we have permission to use.
> Well then here we go.
> This is a very early development release and not for the faint at  
> heart (probably never will be) but I've gone to some lengths to  
> document the process in the accompanying HOWTO and source code.
> At
> http://www.remote.org/frederik/projects/software/osm/ywms-0.1.tgz
I got this working late last night. A few notes in case anyone else 
run's into the same problems that I did.

The first one is that my version of Xvfb didn't seem to support the 
fbdir option. So I ran Xvfb without it.

This meant that rather than using xwdtopnm < /tmp/Xvfb_screen0 to 
capture the screen image. I used the xwd command to grab the screen 
image. So in my case
xwd -display :1 -root > image.xwd

The final change that I had was that I didn't have the cjpeg untility so 
I substituted in pnmtojpg to get the final output.

Finally for users of Firefox 2, I found that having killed the firefox 
process later restarts would show a dialog box asking if you wanted to 
restore the old session. In order to disable this I set 
browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash  to FALSE in the about:config 
settings in Firefox.

My changed YWMS.pm file can be grabbed from: 


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