[OSM-dev] Lightweight editor idea

Raphael Studer studerap at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 11:09:10 GMT 2007


> Have been thinking of the concept of a very lightweight editor where people
> literally just draw on the rendered maps (using the OpenLayers drawing tool)
> for a while. The server would then do all the checks for conflicts, etc,
> behind the scenes.
> ....
> Has anyone else thought of this sort of thing? I like the idea of "specialist"
> sites like Freemap being able to create their own lightweight editors but
> there needs to be some way of syncing with the main OSM server as they will
> be running off planet and so will be up to a week out of date.

There was a mail about a month ago, with a SVG overlay for the map
with the posibility to click on a way and see (maybe also edit) the
ways tags.

I guess this would be a good base to start working on such an
lightweight editor.

In a first step, it maybe could just be possible add/edit/delete the
tags of existing ways and nodes. E.g. to rename a street, change the
classification (maybe with a dropdown of existing classifications to
make it easier for beginners) or adding a property like max_speed=80.

In a second step, adding new ways and nodes could be possible (but not
deleting or moving existing ones).
If this works fine, and we don't have to much "unwanted" changes (I
think about the problem with changes done potlatch by not using it
correclty), in a last step deleting and moving existing objects could
be enabled.



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