[OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] Ideas for OSM enhancements

Brett Henderson brett at bretth.com
Wed Jan 2 04:36:47 GMT 2008

Karl Newman wrote:
> No problem. It'll certainly be later, not sooner. By the way, I'm
> writing a bunch of JUnit tests, mostly for the stuff I'm doing or have
> done and I encountered an exception when testing the area filter with
> completeWays. It's related to the SimpleObjectStore (probably the
> recent single class store changes), but I haven't traced it down. I
> attached my test fixture as a patch (hopefully it works; I pruned out
> some files from the patch which are work-in-progress).
> Karl
Thanks.  I've possibly broken a few things at the moment.  I've done 
some manual testing to weed out the obvious breakages but no doubt 
there's more.  I recently found broken end of stream detection, that 
might be your issue ...  The lack of unit tests is bad form on my 
behalf, they're definitely needed.

Give me a yell if you have trouble with the recent changes, I've changed 
a number of the store classes.  They've gotten a bit more complicated to 
support some of the new "dataset" code I'm adding.  The single class 
versus generic class serialisation is a bit messy but I wanted a way to 
minimise the size of on-disk data when the class type is known.  
Previously it wrote a class type identifier before every object which 
was redundant in many cases.  It didn't matter too much when the objects 
themselves were large but I'm now serialising index element objects 
which are tiny (tile int plus a long entity id, or long entity id plus a 
long file offset) and the overhead increased.

Hopefully I'm not turning your life into merge hell ;-)

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