[OSM-dev] Switching T at H server to t at hngo NOW!

spaetz osm at sspaeth.de
Tue Jul 15 17:21:12 BST 2008

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 05:13:59PM +0100, Andrew McCarthy wrote:

> One glitch, and I'm not sure if this is happening at the server side or
> when the client is building the tileset, but I've started to see quite a
> few "unknown type" tiles, at various zoom levels. For example:
> 	http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.63473&lon=-8.65818&zoom=17&layers=0B0FFF
> Is this a problem with the blankness look-up?

Actually, I think that is a tah client bug that is starting to appear now. Many tilesets are returned with 0-byte files (which meant delete blankness entry and real tile file in the old server) In the old server this was never seen as the recursive blankness lookup would go up and return whatever blanknessvalue the parent had.

It does require a look at the tah client and make it return proper blank tiles. If somebody would get to this, I would be very grateful.


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