[OSM-dev] Newbie question

Ed Loach ed at loach.me.uk
Mon Nov 10 08:03:01 GMT 2008

Patrick wrote:

> Do you want to try your luck with svn, or do you want me to
> apply your
> patch to the svn? I can help you with both. If you want me to
> apply your
> patch, I would prefer that you open a trac ticket for the
> osmarender
> component and append it there, but I can get it from the T at h
> list if
> necessary.

Thanks also to Thomas for his answer. 

I've opened a trac ticket (#1323) with the patch file attached, if
someone could check it and perhaps apply it please. I will try and
work out how to use svn on an ongoing basis, as I noticed yesterday
that some of the areaSymbol nodes in the z17 map features xml file
had been typed as aeraSymbol (tourism=hostel|campsite|information).
I've not created a patch for that yet, though did also mention it on
the T at H list. But it seems to be something I could have fixed fairly


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