[OSM-dev] Problem with Postgresql / Mapnik / SRTM Contours

sylvain letuffe liste at letuffe.org
Mon Nov 24 16:42:27 GMT 2008

> > Has anyone worked on using GPS tracks elevation information to improve 
> GPS elevation tracks aren't better than SRTM in general, due to their
> poor vertical resolution. 

Just a comment about that  : This is, at least for my garmin 60cx, not the 
case. In about any moutain zone, with no or few tree coverage, I'm almost 
sure I achieve a 2 to 4 vertical meters precision. (By comparing my result to 
our national map maker or by a point I have checked serveral times at 
serveral different dates )

however, It doesn't create a good source in a sense that, at least in the 
alps, osm tracks coverage (even considered being 40m wide) might well be 
under 0.0000001% of the total surface. A model only based on that will surely 
looks like completly ugly and wrong.

Sylvain Letuffe liste at letuffe.org
qui suis-je : http://slyserv.dyndns.org

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