[OSM-dev] Osmosis error on constraint nodes_ibfk_1

Maarten Deen mdeen at xs4all.nl
Tue Nov 10 19:12:47 GMT 2009

I'm using osmosis 0.31.2 to insert some data (from XAPI) in a mysql database and 
I get the error
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`osm06/nodes`, 
CONSTRAINT `nodes_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`changeset_id`) REFERENCES `changesets` 

I'm trying to load two osm files (which I've merged and sorted in the process). 
If I read the error correct, it is trying to insert a node with a changeset_id 
that does not occur in the changesets table.

What could be the problem here and how can I correct it?


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