[OSM-dev] Updating Planet and Reliability

Andrew Ayre andy at britishideas.com
Thu Jul 21 12:26:35 BST 2011

On 7/21/2011 12:17 PM, John Smith wrote:
> You misunderstood me, I didn't say anything took 5 minutes, nor that
> the memory state file would be any where near 85 bytes, Osmosis does a
> lot of the merging in memory to be able to come back to a point close
> in time you would need to dump the memory contents frequently, every 5
> minutes or perhaps more often if you care more about that sort of
> thing.
> This file would be many gigs in size, not bytes...

I don't care about resuming partially completed change merges if that is
what you mean. What I do care about is detecting an interrupted merge
and starting it again from the beginning. I don't expect reboots to
happen very often, so taking an extra hour to redo some lost work won't
be significant overall.

To be clear, the state file I have been referring to in this discussion
is state.txt.


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