[OSM-dev] CORS headers on OSM tiles (for WebGL use)

Jaak Laineste jaak.laineste at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 20:54:24 BST 2011

> Since the application in question is just anoter type of map browser I
> think it falls in the category of previewing the OSM database state
> and can be used by mappers like slippymap.  In fact I can image a
> webgl globe as an option on osm.org homepage, I'd love to see it.

For the interested ones - my fresh list of open globe projects from FOSS4G :

http://ami.dis.ulpgc.es/glob3m/ - see demo link bottom of the page
http://osgearth.org/ - without web part

 They all look quite nice. Practical usability is another question, at
least before some open3dmodelwarehouse project has had significant
content in it. Right now this is in "someone should do it" phase.

 For the webgl the key question for me is security. It is reported
that WebGL has fundamental issues: allowing low-level access to
graphics cards (which is needed for performance) allows for example
writing one-line code which can bluescreen user's computer. This is
why webgl is disabled in many browsers by default, and I see risk that
certain mainstream browsers may decide not to support it at all.


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