[OSM-dev] Licence redaction ready to begin

Paul Norman penorman at mac.com
Tue Jul 10 02:35:34 BST 2012

> From: Richard Fairhurst [mailto:richard at systemeD.net]
> Subject: [OSM-dev] Licence redaction ready to begin
> Once it is complete, we will be ready to distribute data under the ODbL
> and we'll advise of that with a separate announcement. The final pre-
> redaction dataset available under CC-BY-SA has now been generated at
> http://planet.openstreetmap.org/planet-120704.osm.bz2 . Where data has
> been redacted, any attempt to access it from the API or the site's
> 'browse' pages will return a response to that effect.

To transition from tiles derived from a CC BY-SA source to tiles derived
from a ODbL source will require changing the attribution and regenerating
all tiles so that CC BY-SA data is not mis-represented as being ODbL data.
What time period will data be available under dual licenses so that tile
servers will not have to reload their database then immediately delete every
cached tile when changing their attribution?

When I discussed this with Frederik awhile back I suggested publishing the
first post-redaction planet as dual-licensed as well as one week of diffs to
allow tile servers to continue to serve old CC BY-SA tiles and re-render
over the course of a week.

At the very least I would suggest distributing the first post-redaction
planet as dual-licensed for the simple reason that all the information to
create it will be available as CC BY-SA.

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