[OSM-dev] Nested relations and generic implementation of geometry constructs - Was :osm2pgsql patch for nested relations

Andy Allan gravitystorm at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 16:34:54 GMT 2012

On 2 March 2012 12:44, Peter Körner <osm-lists at mazdermind.de> wrote:

> type=route        --> build-linestring

Remember that there's more than one way to process a route relation -
you can either duplicate the underlying geometries, one per relation,
or push information from the relation down onto the existing geometry,
and perhaps concatenate values.

But otherwise, your idea of building a list of algorithms is a good
one, and lends itself well to configuration files. There's so much
stuff baked into osm2pgsql that should really be configurable.


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