[OSM-dev] osm-history-renderer now for bigger areas

Peter Körner osm-lists at mazdermind.de
Wed Feb 20 09:18:47 UTC 2013

Hi all

I added a new feature to my osm-history-renderer/-importer that allows 
you to handle much larger areas, by using the RAM more efficiently. In 
theoriy it should be possible wo import a fill history planet with ~32GB 
of RAM.

On my Notebook I imported rheinland-pfalz.osh.pbf (308M) with the sparse 
nodestore. It took around 1.2 GB of RAM from which apparently ~700M was 
taken by the nodestore and 400M by the pbf reader. Process Runtime was 
around 30 Minutes. The generated Tables on disk took ~14 GB including 

In comparison, africa.osh.pbf and north-america.osh.pbf	are of a similar 
size and I guess one could even import netherlands.osh.pbf on a home 
notebook with 4 GB of RAM. Maybe even germany.osh.pbf or france.osh.pbf 
would work out with 6 GB or 8 GB. I'd love to hear feedback about this.

Current source and instructions can be found on

Current Extracts can be found at


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