[HOT] HOT web site - DNS changes

Dražen Odobašić dodobas at geoinfo.geof.hr
Fri Dec 13 14:47:37 UTC 2013

Hi all,

as of this moment we have changed the DNS records of the main HOT web site
(http://hot.openstreetmap.org and http://hot.osm.org) to the new service. DNS
records should propagate within 24h, so at the moment both sites will be active.
Once the DNS propagates, the old site will be closed down.

If you want to publish new content - that isn't super urgent - please wait until
the propagation finishes so that we don't loose any content on the way.

The major change is the update of Drupal to version 7, the look and feel of the
site should be the same.

A big thanks to everyone who contributed in making this possible.


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