[HOT] Fwd: Re: New Job for Tracing in the Congo

Jaakko Helleranta.com jaakko at helleranta.com
Mon Mar 25 00:04:09 UTC 2013

Hi all,

Just wanted to add a comment to the highway classification discussion, which I'm happy to see is finally picking up scope of developing countries more generally.

I've been mapping in Haiti for nearly 3 years now and have struggled often with all of the higher road classes as practicability can be limited on certain segments -- or often seasonally.

"If a road is a national one in DRC, it can still be a track which cannot even handle a car on some sections."

This is very much a reality in Haiti, too, where (even) the primary road network is not fully built yet. (That is, it's classified but not built.)

The first time I saw this first hand when Sebastien Pierrel, Severin, and I were en route to Pignon from Hinche (a primary "highway") and our sturdy Toyota Hilux got stuck in the mud.

I think Sebastien downgraded the bit of road to unclassified or tertiary and I upped it with one a bit later (since it's still a major and much used road, and the official classification must weight _something_ too).

After thinking about this quite a bit I would suggest adding a tracktype key and some appropriate grade# per to point out the track likeness of the bit of road. I'd also like to see some tag noting about the seasonality of the road condition -- but I'm not sure if seasonal=yes is the right way to go (.. And JOSM validator currently nags about using the seasonal key with a non-waterway, which would of course be easy to fix).

Cheers from Haiti,

Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
Mobile: +509-37-26 91 54, Skype/GoogleTalk: jhelleranta

-----Original Message-----
From: Claire Halleux <Claire.du.RGC at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2013 23:42:21 
To: Pierre Béland<pierzenh at yahoo.fr>
Cc: hot at openstreetmap.org<hot at openstreetmap.org>
Subject: Re: [HOT] Fwd: Re: New Job for Tracing in the Congo

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