[HOT] Gaza stip, hot export in shape

Fred Moine frmoine at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 06:38:06 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Message from Drazen

As I am at full tilt, I will not have time to follow it, it was just to
inform about one small I face yesterday,

And that perhaps for the user it will be interesting to all in 4326.

"it's not UTM projection... but data ree projected to the

I guess that there needs to be a discussion about what to do, as this seems
be a problem only for arcgis. I don't know what were the reasons to
the in the first place, at the time hot-export service was designed.


All the best Fred

2014-09-14 17:17 GMT+02:00 Mikel Maron <mikel_maron at yahoo.com>:

> Fred
> Try this http://files.groundtruth.in/gaza_buildings.zip. It's in 4326.
> It's a bbox around Gaza, so does include features from Israel and Egypt as
> well; needs another filtering.
> I created a new job on HOT Exports, and filtered and reprojected locally
> into epsg:4326. The projection used by HOT Exports seems to be EPSG:3785,
> which is Spherical Mercator, used for tiles on the web. That makes sense
> technically, since the database backing HOT exports, I believe, is the
> normal tile rendering database. But it doesn't make that much sense from a
> user perspective, so I added a ticket to at least make the projection an
> option, and default to 4326:
> https://github.com/hotosm/hot-exports/issues/80
> In any case, let me know if that Shapefile does what you need, or not.
> -Mikel
> * Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
>   On Sunday, September 14, 2014 5:00 AM, Daniel Joseph <
> dan.b.joseph at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> Although not answering your question, have you checked out what is
> available from geofabrik (
> http://download.geofabrik.de/asia/israel-and-palestine.html)?
> Best Regards,
> Dan Joseph
> On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Frederic Moine <frmoine at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dear All,
> I have to give shapefile (from OSM) over Gaza strip to Unosat this
> Monday to compare with their last damage assessment analysis.
> I am trying to do it with the Hot export, but the coordinate system,
> Esri Shape, is not showing up in Arcgis, it  seems to be in metric
> /UTM rather than to have geographical system WGS84, this system could
> be the standard for all, it will be easier when your share it with other
> At the end we have some displacement compare to the original OSM file,
> Could somebody find a solution for this problem and when using Hot
> export be sure that all the data is coming with WGS84
> All the best FredM
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