[HOT] Level of user experience to focus on

Suzan Reed suzan at suzanreed.com
Fri Jun 5 22:21:53 UTC 2015

A reminder to be kind and to completely describe what the validator found with more words would be helpful. I've had people send me terse, rude, and disheartening comments. Would they talk that way to me in person? I doubt it. 

Having a wiki for validators would be helpful with examples of complete sentence descriptions and so on. 

Also, establishing some bar of expertise a validator has to meet? So many tiles completed, or number of edits? I've had people with little or no experience validating my work, and they are far off target having not read the instructions. (Saying "no buildings tagged", when the Instructions clearly state no buildings are to be mapped.)


On Jun 5, 2015, at 4:44 AM, Blake Girardot wrote:
On 5/29/2015 9:37 AM, Suzan Reed wrote:
Routing newbies to tasks where they are reviewed by mentors? I would have liked that.

This is an interesting idea.

While every project needs to have its task squares reviewed and validated (at least once), the idea of creating some projects that new contributors to HOT mapping are directed to and special attention is placed on reviewing those completed task squares and providing feedback as soon as absolutely possible seems like a good compromise between the ideal world (lots of training and mentoring) and what we can realistically do, especially when welcoming thousands of new mappers to HOT/OSM during a major event.

It would also help give focus to experienced mappers who are doing validation and feedback knowing that certain projects are where they should always look to first to do validations.

I think we kind of, sort of do this now, but making it more explicit would be a big improvement I think. It is at least worth a good solid try at some point.


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