[Imports] ogr2osm: How to deal with multilinestrings?

Paul Norman penorman at mac.com
Tue Mar 27 20:47:30 UTC 2012

> From: Josh Doe [mailto:josh at joshdoe.com]
> Subject: Re: [Imports] ogr2osm: How to deal with multilinestrings?
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Andrew Guertin
> <andrew.guertin at uvm.edu> wrote:
> > My question, then, is whether this is normal. Do other files have
> > multilinestrings like this, and would benefit from changing the
> > default handling--or is this file just poorly made, and should be
> > fixed in file-specific translation routines? Conversely, do other
> > files have multilinestrings that should be turned into relations, and
> > would be harmed by changing the default handling?
> The vast majority of the time, using the current tagging standards,
> MultiLineStrings shouldn't be converted to relations, and we should use
> Paul's approach. The only widespread exception could be type=route, but
> even then I doubt this would be helpful for mapping data that is to be
> imported/conflated with OSM since we still tag member ways (and even
> though some data is overlapped between the relation and the way, the
> concepts are different). Perhaps in the future our tools and model will
> improve to support this kind of structure, but we're not there now.
> Definitely make it possible to create relations from MultiLineStrings,
> but by default apply tags to member ways.

My patch
8241d16) also makes it so that parseGeometry can return multiple geometries.
Did your version correctly work with multipolygons?

I noticed no return value in the if clause at
0ab7917308/ogr2osm.py#L403 but I didn't do any MP testing on your version.
My version appears to handle them correctly - I tested with some TIGER lake
shapefiles which had inner rings.

I've noticed MultiLineStrings used from Surrey with their roads data
(http://surrey.ca/city-services/658.aspx, Transportation Data) and there
also I want to convert like I patched it to do.

Maybe what would be best is generate both ways so you can have tagging on
the ways and tagging on the relation?

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