[Imports] Import regarding fuel station in Italy

Andrea Musuruane musuruan at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 10:01:16 UTC 2015

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 6:11 PM, Christoph Hormann <chris_hormann at gmx.de>

> Has it been established previously that IODLv2 causes no problems with
> OSM? AFAIK there is an attribution requirement and it needs to be
> checked if the attribution on the contributors page is sufficient).

Yes. The IODLv2 license is compatible with the ODbL and the attribution on
the contributors page is fine.

The answer is here (in Italian):

And specifically:

*E’ possibile combinare i dati rilasciati sotto IODL con informazioni
rilasciate con altre licenze? Si. La licenza IODL 2.0, in particolare,
consente di creare lavori derivati utilizzando anche dati rilasciati con
altre licenze c.d. “attribution” (che richiedano all’utente la sola
indicazione della fonte) come le licenze Creative Commons Attribution
(CC-BY) e le Open Data Commons Attribution (ODC-BY). Anche tutte le altre
licenze Creative Commons e Open Data Commons che includano un requisito di
"Attribuzione" (es. CC BY-SA o ODC ODbL) possono essere utilizzate per
rilasciare lavori derivati.*
*Is it possible to merge the data released under IODL with data released
under other licenses?*
Yes. Specifically, the IODL license 2.0 allows to create derivative works
using data released under other "attribution" licenses (i.e. licenses that
requires the attribution of data source) like as Creative Commons
Attribution (CC-BY) and the  Open Data Commons Attribution (ODC-BY)
licenses. Also all the other Creative Commons and Open Data Commons
licenses that requires an "attribution" (e.g. CC BY-SA or ODC ODbL) can be
used to release derivative works.


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