[josm-dev] relations in JOSM

Jo ml at winfix.it
Mon Mar 3 07:34:32 GMT 2008


I was very glad to see that route relations have the name or the ref in
the relations window now.

I would like to ask for a small improvement though. Would it be possible
to show both ref_name when both are available? There are some LF cycle
routes that have the same name here in Belgium. I would like to be able
to see their ref. Right now, only the name is shown for them.

Also when there is no name and no ref, but there is a note. Would it be
possible to use the note instead? Apparently, we are supposed to tag the
rcn cycle routes without a name or a ref, here in Belgium for cycle node
networks. There are many route relations connecting all the nodes and
right now it's hard to find the one I'm looking for.

Many thanks,


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